Aleksander Lust, 男,1974年出生, 美籍爱沙尼亚人,本科毕业于美国明德学院(Middlebury College),硕士和博士毕业于美国康奈尔大学 (Cornell University) 政府系政治学专业。研究生学历,哲学博士。现任爱游戏ayx中国官方网站教授。
· 博士,康奈尔大学政府系 (Department of Government, Cornell University), 2010.
· 硕士,Cornell University 康奈尔大学政府系 (Department of Government, Cornell University), 2002
· 学士,明德学院(Middlebury College) 政治学系, 以政治学最高荣誉毕业 (Phi Beta Kappa, Magna cum laude), 1996
· 在自由柏林大学 (Free University of Berlin) 学习德国政治和历史, 2000-2001
· 助理教授 (Assistant Professor), 美国阿巴拉契亚州立大学政府与司法研究系(Department of Government and Justice Studies, Appalachian State University), 2013年9月—2019年8月
· 讲师 (Lecturer),美国麻省大学波士顿分校政治学系 (Department of Political Science, University of Massachusetts Boston), 2010年5月—2013年7月
二: 研究领域
同行盲审文章 (Peer-Reviewed Articles)
· “I vote, Therefore I Am? Internet Voting in Switzerland and Estonia,” The SAIS Review of International Affairs 38, 1 (Winter/Spring 2018)
· “Broken Rails: The Privatization of Estonian Railways,” Post-Communist Economies 29, 1 (March 2017)
· “Online Voting: Boon or Bane for Democracy?” Information Polity 20, 4 (November/December 2015)
· “Nature or Nurture? Ethnicity and Nationalism in Post-Communist Europe,” Political Geography 29, 7 (September 2010)
· “Familiarity Breeds Contempt: Strategies of Economic Reform and Popular Attitudes toward the EU in Lithuania and Estonia,” East European Politics and Societies 23, 3 (August 2009)
· “Worstward Ho: Explaining Estonian Euroskepticism,” Problems of Post-Communism 53, 5 (September/October 2006)
书本章节 (Book Chapter)
·“The Foreign Policy of France: Continuity and Change,” in Federiga Bindi, ed., Europe and America: The End of th e Transatlantic Relationship? (Washington, DC: Brookings, 2019)
·“The Western Balkan Enlargement of the European Union: A Never-Ending Journey?” in Federiga Bindi, editor, The Foreign Policy of the European Union: Europe and the World, 3rd edition (Washington, DC: The Brookings Instituti o n Press, 2022).
·“The European Union and Central Asia: Dust in the Wind?” in Bindi, editor, The Foreign Policy of the European Un i on
·《法国的外交政策:延续性与变迁性》,政治治理研究, 第1卷第2辑 (2022)
书评 (Book Reviews)
· Review of Beate Sissenich, Building States without Societies: European Union Enlargement and the Transfer of EU Social Policy to Poland and Hungary (Lanham and Plymouth: Lexington Books, 2007), Comparative Political Studies 38, 6 (July 2008)
· Review of Vello Pettai and Piret Ehin, eds., Deciding on Europe: The EU Referendum in Estonia (Tartu: Tartu University Press, 2005), East European Politics and Societies 20, 2 (May 2006)
· Review of Rawi Abdelal, National Purpose in the World Economy: Post-Soviet States in Comparative Perspective (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2005), Political Geography 24, 6 (August 2005)
· Review of Vello Pettai and Jan Zielonka, eds., The Road to the European Union: Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania (Manchester and New York: Manchester University Press, 2003), Europe-Asia Studies 57, 4 (June 2005)
近期工作(Recent Work)
Professional service (2022):
·Reviewed grant applications in international relations and comparative politics for the Estonian Research Council
·Placed CCNU's international graduate students in academic fellowships, including a Fulbright scholarship in Washin gton, DC
Lust 老师能够流利使用五种语言,包括英语,爱沙尼亚语,德语,俄语和法语。