Prof. Yuan Fangcheng
PhD in Political Science, Central China Normal University, PRC
Professor at the Political Research Institute of Central China Normal University
The major research field is local government reform and grass-roots governance.
Mobile Phone: 0086-18908621250
Email: yuanfangcheng@gmail.com
Address:Political Research Institute of Central China Normal University, Wuan City, Hubei Province, China.PRC
List of publications
1.ComparativeResearch on Towns Governance of China Mainland and Taiwan Region,China Social Science Press, June 2014;
2.From Village Self-Governance to Community Self-Governance:The Innovation of Grassroots Democracy in Wenzhou, China Social Science Press,January 2014;
3.Notes Based on “A Long Term Observation”: A Reform View on Chinese Village, China Social Science Press, October 2011;
4.“Breakthrough: Haman reform and the transformation of China's rural grass-roots governance”,Central China Normal University Press, September 2009;
1.Formation and Development Mechanism of Gray Land Market in Chinese Rural Areas—Based on Data Analysis of Ten Years of China Land&Resource Almanac,Wuhan University Journal (Philosophy Social Science),No.6, 2014;
2.How to Balance the Development of Urban and Rural Integration in Central China.Cambridge Journal of China Studies,No.8,2014;
3.The Current Several Significant Issues and Countermeasure and Proposals of Urban and Rural Grassroots Governance of China,China Governance Review,No.1,2014;
4.Institutional Change and Transformation of the Governance of Chamber of Commerce,Socialism Studies,No.6.2013;part of which reprinted by “Chinese Social Science Digest”,No.5,2014,“Information Center for Social Science RUC (Public Administration)”,No.3,2014;
5.Governing Collective Property Rights: the Government and Peasants in the Construction of Rural Chinese Community,Journal of Huazhong Normal University(Humanities and Social Sciences,No.2,2013;part of which reprinted by“Xinhua Digest”,No.13,2013;“Information Center for Social Science RUC(System Reform)”;
6.National Integration and Social Amalgamation:the Developmental Trend and Countermeasures of Urban and Rural Grassroots Governance,Journal of Chinese Academy of Governance,No.3,2013;
7.Several Problems and Its Rectifications of Village Election in Taiwan,Socialism Studies,No.6,2012;
8.From“Fragment”to“Whole”:The Legacy and Transformation of a Public Administration Paradigm in China.Proceedings of 2011 international conference on Public Administration,2011(10);
9.The Understanding over the Reform of Whole-of-government in New Zealand,Cass Journal of Political Science,No.5,2011;
10.Promotion of Policy ,Mobility of Social andSeparation of Interest—the Social Risk and Traitsin theProcessofUrbanization in China,Theory and Reform,No.4,2011;
11.Rural Community Autonomy: Village Governance System’s Succession and Transition,Journal of Huazhong Normal University,No.1,2011;
12.The Study on the Overall Planning of Urban—Rural Integration Development in Wuhan,Urban Insight, No.5,2010;
13.A study on Characteristics of China’s Government Reform in Different Stages since the Reform and Opening-Up and Its Prospects.Journal of Politics and Law,No.3,2010;
14.The Boosters of Rural Grassroots Democracy:the Village’s Participation in theConstructionof RuralCommunity,Contemporary World & Socialism,No.3,2010;
15.“Peasants in Community Building: cognition, will and public demand --based on the subject of a nationwide survey”,Journal of Huazhong Normal University, No.3, 2009;
16.“Equalization of Rural Compulsory Education: Status and Reform”,Journal of Huazhong Normal University, No.3, 2008. part of which reprinted by“Xinhua Digest”, “Journal of Liberal Arts Colleges and Universities Digest”, “China Social Science Digest”;
17.“Stage Characteristics of China's Government Reform: Analysis and Prospects”,Socialism Studies,No.3, 2008. Part of which reprinted by“Xinhua Digest”, “Journal of Liberal Arts Colleges and Universities Digest”, “China Social Science Digest”;
18.“Advances, problems and strategies on the reform of mechanism to ensure funding for rural compulsory education in China”,China's Rural Research, August, 2008. Part of which reprinted by"Xinhua Digest", "Journal of Liberal Arts Colleges and Universities Digest", "China Social Science Digest"
19.“Funding Public Affairs:Innovation System of the Public Service in Rural Areas”,Forum of Yangtze River,No.6, 2006, Reprinted byManagement Scienceof RDFYZL,No.2, 2007;
20.“The Operation ofTownship Government’s Administrative Power: Model and Performance”,Journal ofPeking Academy ofAdministration,No.5, 2006;
21.“Participative Public Service: the Reform ofVillage and Township Organization and Institutionfromthe Perspective of Governance”,Journal ofHubei Academy ofAdministration,No.3, 2005;
22.“Empirical Analysis on the Operation of Administrative Power of Chinese Town Government”,Chinese Cadres Tribune,No.9, 2002;
23.“Rural Relations and Rural Democracy”,Socialism Studies,No.2, 2002.
24.“Gradual Democracy:Direct Election of ChineseCounties and Towns”, The first translator,Studies onChinese Rural Area(Vol. 2002),China Social Sciences Press,2002.